Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum -

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Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum -

Post by GhanaGeria »

from: Hamdan bin Mohammed <>
date: Jan 6, 2020, 6:13 PM

City Tower 2, Office 1702
Sheikh Zayed Rd, Trade Center First
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Greetings from the Royal Family, my name is Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Crown Prince of Dubai. On behalf of the Royal Family myself, I wishes to inform you that our desire on earth is to see the betterment of the less privileged children, good education and good healthcare without discrimination of Culture, Country and Religion. We own Appalachian Children's Home at Kentucky and we will be glad to setup in IDAHO using you.

The Royal Family of Dubai wishes to make the world a better place for the Less Privileged by building of Charity Foundation/Homes in your country but this must be handle with trust and humility. This Charity Project will be a great benefit for the poor Orphans in your home country.

You are most welcome to Dubai, UAE, the Royal Family is willing to donate $5,000,000.00 USD for the Charity Project in your home country and hope you can be Trusted. In order to facilitates the release of the funds by the Bank as ordered by my Father (Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum), you are advice to fill out the membership form attached to gain access to this project.

Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum,
Crown Prince of Dubai, United Arab Emirates
FRAUD WARNING: The above information is being provided as a fraud warning. Do not contact the sender of the above email. The source of this information is from a scammer who is a criminal imposter. Any names of real people being used within the above information from this imposter is unauthorized and illegal. Do not provide this scammer any of your personal information. Do not send them any of your personal identity documents. Do not send them any money. Do not call any phone numbers that they provide to you. This email, and all of its content, are part of a fraudulent, criminal act and the only intention of the scammer who sent this email is to steal money and to obtain personal information leading to identity theft of the scam victim. If you received the same email (or one very similar) then stop all communication with the scammer immediately. All claims made within the email are lies fabricated by a fraudster and this criminal will never provide you any money, assets, investments, property, commodities, merchandise, employment, romance, or anything of value. Every email scammer uses a completely false identity, thus their names used in the email (and any company name, employment, occupation, street address and/or location information that they provide) is 100% fake. Any photos, scans of passports or other personal identity documents and/or any other documents (government, corporate, legal, financial, etc) or forms that they send to you are all stolen, fake and/or forged and the file attachments they send with their scam emails may also contain viruses. Also avoid all website links that any scammer sends to you because their websites are all fraudulent and may also contain hidden Malware, Trojans, Spyware and/or key loggers. In conclusion, do not send any money to this scammer or you will lose it permanently. Contact with this scammer also places you at risk of identity theft and having your identity wrongfully used for illegal activities, which can place you in legal, financial, and physical danger. Click here to read what qualifies the above email as a scam. Scroll up and click the link at the top of this page for more information about this particular type of scam. Contact us here if you had interactions with a scammer and need support.

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Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum -

Post by Jacked-In »

from: Hamdan Bin Mohammed <>
date: Feb 26, 2020, 12:41 AM
subject: Re: Welcome to the royal family,

Welcome to the royal family, My name are Hamdan bin Mohammed Al
Maktoum the crown Prince of Dubai.

i am out here for the sake of the poor orphans, Do you have a charity

God bless you for your kinds heart over this great kingdom, My beloved
can you be trusted to Handle a charity Foundation in your country in
good faith, And also for the great benefit of the poor orphans??

Can you be trusted to handle this charity foundation???

You are most welcome to Dubai and i would love you to know and
understand that my administration have been inform about this but all
i seek from you is honesty and trust, As my Bank will be giving you
funds for charity

Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum

Crown Prince of Dubai
FRAUD WARNING: The above information is being provided as a fraud warning. Do not contact the sender of the above email. The source of this information is from a scammer who is a criminal imposter. Any names of real people being used within the above information from this imposter is unauthorized and illegal. Do not provide this scammer any of your personal information. Do not send them any of your personal identity documents. Do not send them any money. Do not call any phone numbers that they provide to you. This email, and all of its content, are part of a fraudulent, criminal act and the only intention of the scammer who sent this email is to steal money and to obtain personal information leading to identity theft of the scam victim. If you received the same email (or one very similar) then stop all communication with the scammer immediately. All claims made within the email are lies fabricated by a fraudster and this criminal will never provide you any money, assets, investments, property, commodities, merchandise, employment, romance, or anything of value. Every email scammer uses a completely false identity, thus their names used in the email (and any company name, employment, occupation, street address and/or location information that they provide) is 100% fake. Any photos, scans of passports or other personal identity documents and/or any other documents (government, corporate, legal, financial, etc) or forms that they send to you are all stolen, fake and/or forged and the file attachments they send with their scam emails may also contain viruses. Also avoid all website links that any scammer sends to you because their websites are all fraudulent and may also contain hidden Malware, Trojans, Spyware and/or key loggers. In conclusion, do not send any money to this scammer or you will lose it permanently. Contact with this scammer also places you at risk of identity theft and having your identity wrongfully used for illegal activities, which can place you in legal, financial, and physical danger. Click here to read what qualifies the above email as a scam. Scroll up and click the link at the top of this page for more information about this particular type of scam. Contact us here if you had interactions with a scammer and need support.

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Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum -

Post by Screen Grab »

The email addresses shown below are also being used to send out one of the same exact scam email messages already seen posted above within this thread of posts:

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Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum -

Post by CGI1 »

date: May 31, 2021, 4:11 AM
subject: Re:

Assalam Alaikkum ,

Thanks For Showing Some Merciful Heart To The Kids And Also For Trying
To Help Them Out By Showing Some Support And I Pray That The Almighty
Allah Will Provide More For You As You Open Up Your Heart To Help The
Orphans on this building project.

My Charity Activities: Promoting education in the UAE and in other
countries remains a cause close to Sheikh Hamdan's heart. My
compassion for human beings across the globe can be seen through this
acts of philanthropy in Mexico, Australia, Africa, Ireland, Europe,
Pakistan, India and many other countries.

The Foundation has contributed to the establishment of medical and
therapeutic centres in Palestine, Jordan, Afghanistan and other
countries, supplying them with the necessary equipment to ensure their
effective and continual functioning. The Al Razi Centre in Palestine
was the first such centre to receive aid from the Foundation.

Moreover, the Foundation has donated AED 20 million in medical
assistance within the context of a campaign to show solidarity with
the Palestinian people. Likewise, the Al Amal Centre for the treatment
of cancer in Jordan has received considerable financial support due to
the preventive services aimed at early detection of cancer, treatment
thereof, post-treatment care and continual observation of patients
using the most up-to-date means for non-recurrence of the disease.

I have being into this humanitarians program and Allah wants me to
expand network to other parts of the world in our own little way, so
you are pleased to be part of the family.

In other for us to commence on this foundation and program , I need
you to provide to me your full name, your residential or office
address , your cell phone or home telephone number and any form of
identification, such as identity card or any form of identification.

With this information our family lawyer will draw a letter of
agreement which will state how much will be yours for taking part of
this project and also the amount that will be invested in various
project across the world because you will be appointed as one of the
Royal Ambassador and possibly salary will be attached to it.

Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum,
Crown Prince of Dubai.
City Tower 2, Office 1702
Sheikh Zayed Rd, Trade Center First
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
FRAUD WARNING: The above information is being provided as a fraud warning. Do not contact the sender of the above email. The source of this information is from a scammer who is a criminal imposter. Any names of real people being used within the above information from this imposter is unauthorized and illegal. Do not provide this scammer any of your personal information. Do not send them any of your personal identity documents. Do not send them any money. Do not call any phone numbers that they provide to you. This email, and all of its content, are part of a fraudulent, criminal act and the only intention of the scammer who sent this email is to steal money and to obtain personal information leading to identity theft of the scam victim. If you received the same email (or one very similar) then stop all communication with the scammer immediately. All claims made within the email are lies fabricated by a fraudster and this criminal will never provide you any money, assets, investments, property, commodities, merchandise, employment, romance, or anything of value. Every email scammer uses a completely false identity, thus their names used in the email (and any company name, employment, occupation, street address and/or location information that they provide) is 100% fake. Any photos, scans of passports or other personal identity documents and/or any other documents (government, corporate, legal, financial, etc) or forms that they send to you are all stolen, fake and/or forged and the file attachments they send with their scam emails may also contain viruses. Also avoid all website links that any scammer sends to you because their websites are all fraudulent and may also contain hidden Malware, Trojans, Spyware and/or key loggers. In conclusion, do not send any money to this scammer or you will lose it permanently. Contact with this scammer also places you at risk of identity theft and having your identity wrongfully used for illegal activities, which can place you in legal, financial, and physical danger. Click here to read what qualifies the above email as a scam. Scroll up and click the link at the top of this page for more information about this particular type of scam. Contact us here if you had interactions with a scammer and need support.

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