Britt Ahlenius - US Customs -

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Scammer Slammer
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Britt Ahlenius - US Customs -

Post by KopyCat »

from: Mrs. Britt Ahlenius <>
date: Feb 28, 2023, 5:29 AM
subject: From Los Angeles Custom, CA 90045 ATM Card US$30.9000.000.00 Million.

Address: 1 World Way, Los Angeles, CA 90045, United States
Departments: Los Angeles International Airport Terminal 6
Code: LAX
Elevation: 39 m
Number of runways: 4
Hub for: Delta Air Lines, American Airlines, United Airlines, MORE
Serves: Greater Los Angeles
Opened: October 1, 1928
WMO Code: 72295.


Attention: Dear Beneficiary,

This is to notify you that your ATM Card has been in our custody waiting for your comply before the delivery will be effected to your delivery address. We have been waiting for you to contact us regarding your ATM Card which Impex Express Service supposed to deliver to you which was on hold by US Department of State Bureau and requesting for clearance certificate which will be obtain from the origination of the ATM Card before it will be released.

After the meeting held by our board of directors which was concluded that the delivery of your ATM Card to your address must be completed within 24-hours upon your comply to our requirement which is by sending iTunes card of $50.00 Dollars to obtain the needed certificate and effect the delivery of your ATM Card immediately.

Note that your ATM Card US$30.9000.000.00 Million has been arrived in US Los Angeles, International Airport and waiting to receive clearance certificate before the gate pass is given for final delivery of your ATM Card to your address bellow.

Note that you are expected to pay only $50.00 iTunes card for clearance certificate and you are to pay it here as the origination of the ATM Card in favor of iTunes card $50 our accountant officer in USA send the $50.00 through steam wallet card once you receive this mail with the information below for immediate release of your ATM Card, To save our time better send iTunes card or steam wallet card $50.00 iTunes card or steam wallet card picture.

Once you send the money, Try to notify us with the SCANNER iTunes card for easy to pick up and immediate action on the release of your ATM Card US$30.9000.000.00 Million. Please treat this as matter of urgency.

Note that any uncial consignment will be return to Impex Express courier company ltd after 2 days. So you are urgently advise to comply with our demand fee $50 so that we will release your ATM Card immediately.

Mrs. Britt Ahlenius
Public Relation Officer United State Custom
From Los Angeles Custom, CA 90045 ATM Card US$30.9000.000.00 Million.
FRAUD WARNING: The above information is being provided as a fraud warning. Do not contact the sender of the above email. The source of this information is from a scammer who is a criminal imposter. Any names of real people being used within the above information from this imposter is unauthorized and illegal. Do not provide this scammer any of your personal information. Do not send them any of your personal identity documents. Do not send them any money. Do not call any phone numbers that they provide to you. This email, and all of its content, are part of a fraudulent, criminal act and the only intention of the scammer who sent this email is to steal money and to obtain personal information leading to identity theft of the scam victim. If you received the same email (or one very similar) then stop all communication with the scammer immediately. All claims made within the email are lies fabricated by a fraudster and this criminal will never provide you any money, assets, investments, property, commodities, merchandise, employment, romance, or anything of value. Every email scammer uses a completely false identity, thus their names used in the email (and any company name, employment, occupation, street address and/or location information that they provide) is 100% fake. Any photos, scans of passports or other personal identity documents and/or any other documents (government, corporate, legal, financial, etc) or forms that they send to you are all stolen, fake and/or forged and the file attachments they send with their scam emails may also contain viruses. Also avoid all website links that any scammer sends to you because their websites are all fraudulent and may also contain hidden Malware, Trojans, Spyware and/or key loggers. In conclusion, do not send any money to this scammer or you will lose it permanently. Contact with this scammer also places you at risk of identity theft and having your identity wrongfully used for illegal activities, which can place you in legal, financial, and physical danger. Click here to read what qualifies the above email as a scam. Scroll up and click the link at the top of this page for more information about this particular type of scam. Contact us here if you had interactions with a scammer and need support.

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Scammer Slammer
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Britt Ahlenius - US Customs -

Post by KopyCat »

The email addresses shown below are also being used to send out one of the same exact scam email messages already seen posted above within this thread of posts:

from: Mrs. Britt Ahlenius <>
date: Feb 28, 2023, 8:52 PM
FRAUD WARNING: The above information is being provided as a fraud warning. Do not contact the sender of the above email. The source of this information is from a scammer who is a criminal imposter. Any names of real people being used within the above information from this imposter is unauthorized and illegal. Do not provide this scammer any of your personal information. Do not send them any of your personal identity documents. Do not send them any money. Do not call any phone numbers that they provide to you. This email, and all of its content, are part of a fraudulent, criminal act and the only intention of the scammer who sent this email is to steal money and to obtain personal information leading to identity theft of the scam victim. If you received the same email (or one very similar) then stop all communication with the scammer immediately. All claims made within the email are lies fabricated by a fraudster and this criminal will never provide you any money, assets, investments, property, commodities, merchandise, employment, romance, or anything of value. Every email scammer uses a completely false identity, thus their names used in the email (and any company name, employment, occupation, street address and/or location information that they provide) is 100% fake. Any photos, scans of passports or other personal identity documents and/or any other documents (government, corporate, legal, financial, etc) or forms that they send to you are all stolen, fake and/or forged and the file attachments they send with their scam emails may also contain viruses. Also avoid all website links that any scammer sends to you because their websites are all fraudulent and may also contain hidden Malware, Trojans, Spyware and/or key loggers. In conclusion, do not send any money to this scammer or you will lose it permanently. Contact with this scammer also places you at risk of identity theft and having your identity wrongfully used for illegal activities, which can place you in legal, financial, and physical danger. Click here to read what qualifies the above email as a scam. Scroll up and click the link at the top of this page for more information about this particular type of scam. Contact us here if you had interactions with a scammer and need support.

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Scam Wrecker
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Britt Ahlenius - US Customs -

Post by Beezwax »

from: Mrs Britt <>
date: Jul 22, 2023, 5:35 PM
subject: Attention, Dear,

Address: 1 World Way, Los Angeles, CA 90045, United States
Departments: Los Angeles International Airport Terminal 6
Code: LAX
Elevation: 39 m
Number of runways: 4
Hub for: Delta Air Lines, American Airlines, United Airlines, MORE
Serves: Greater Los Angeles
Opened: October 1, 1928
WMO Code: 72295


Attention, Dear,

This is to notify you that your consignment has been in our custody
waiting for your comply before the delivery will be effected to your
delivery address. We have been waiting for you to contact us regarding
your consignment box which Impex Express Service supposed to deliver to you
which was on hold by US Department of State Bureau and requesting for
clearance certificate which will be obtain from the origination of the
consignment box before it will be released.

After the meeting held by our board of directors which was concluded
that the delivery of your consignment to your address must be
completed within 24-hours upon your comply to our requirement which
is by sending iTunes Card of $100.00 Dollars to obtain the needed
certificate and effect the delivery of your consignment immediately.

Note that your consignment box US$30.900,000.00 Million has been
arrived in US Los Angeles,International Airport
and waiting to receive clearance certificate before the gate pass is
given for final delivery of your consignment to your address bellow.

Note that you are expected to pay only $100.00 iTunes card for clearance
certificate and you are to pay it here as the origination of the
consignment box in favor of
iTunes card $100 our accountant officer in USA
Send the $100.00 for immediate release of your
consignment box,

To save our time better Send iTunes Card or Steam Wallet card $100.00
iTunes card or Steam wallet card picture.
Once you send the money, try to notify us with the SCANNER
iTunes card for easy to pick
up and immediate action on the release of your consignment box
US$30.9000.000.00 Million.Please
treat this as matter of urgency .

Note that any uncial consignment will be return to Imper Express courier
company ltd after 3 days.So you are urgently advise to comply with our
demand fee $100 so that we will release your consignment box immediately.

Mrs Britt Ahlenius
Public Relation Officer United State Custom
From Los Angeles Custom, CA 90045 consignment box US$30.900,000.00 Million
FRAUD WARNING: The above information is being provided as a fraud warning. Do not contact the sender of the above email. The source of this information is from a scammer who is a criminal imposter. Any names of real people being used within the above information from this imposter is unauthorized and illegal. Do not provide this scammer any of your personal information. Do not send them any of your personal identity documents. Do not send them any money. Do not call any phone numbers that they provide to you. This email, and all of its content, are part of a fraudulent, criminal act and the only intention of the scammer who sent this email is to steal money and to obtain personal information leading to identity theft of the scam victim. If you received the same email (or one very similar) then stop all communication with the scammer immediately. All claims made within the email are lies fabricated by a fraudster and this criminal will never provide you any money, assets, investments, property, commodities, merchandise, employment, romance, or anything of value. Every email scammer uses a completely false identity, thus their names used in the email (and any company name, employment, occupation, street address and/or location information that they provide) is 100% fake. Any photos, scans of passports or other personal identity documents and/or any other documents (government, corporate, legal, financial, etc) or forms that they send to you are all stolen, fake and/or forged and the file attachments they send with their scam emails may also contain viruses. Also avoid all website links that any scammer sends to you because their websites are all fraudulent and may also contain hidden Malware, Trojans, Spyware and/or key loggers. In conclusion, do not send any money to this scammer or you will lose it permanently. Contact with this scammer also places you at risk of identity theft and having your identity wrongfully used for illegal activities, which can place you in legal, financial, and physical danger. Click here to read what qualifies the above email as a scam. Scroll up and click the link at the top of this page for more information about this particular type of scam. Contact us here if you had interactions with a scammer and need support.

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Scam Wrecker
Scam Wrecker
Posts: 2943
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Britt Ahlenius - US Customs -

Post by Beezwax »

from: Ahlenius <>
date: Aug 2, 2023, 4:21 PM
subject: Attention, Dear,

Attention, Dear,

This is to notify you that your consignment has been in our custody
waiting for your comply before the delivery will be effected to your
delivery address. We have been waiting for you to contact us regarding
your consignment box which Impex Express Service supposed to deliver to you
which was on hold by US Department of State Bureau and requesting for
clearance certificate which will be obtain from the origination of the
consignment box before it will be released.

After the meeting held by our board of directors which was concluded
that the delivery of your consignment to your address must be
completed within 24-hours upon your comply to our requirement which
is by sending iTunes Card of $50.00 Dollars to obtain the needed
certificate and effect the delivery of your consignment immediately.

Note that your consignment box US$30.900,000.00 Million has been
arrived in US Los Angeles,International Airport
and waiting to receive clearance certificate before the gate pass is
given for final delivery of your consignment to your address bellow.

Note that you are expected to pay only $50.00 iTunes card for clearance
certificate and you are to pay it here as the origination of the
consignment box in favor of
iTunes card $50 our accountant officer in USA
Send the $50.00 for immediate release of your
consignment box,

To save our time better Send iTunes Card or Steam Wallet card $50.00
iTunes card or Steam wallet card picture.
Once you send the money, try to notify us with the SCANNER
iTunes card for easy to pick
up and immediate action on the release of your consignment box
US$30.9000.000.00 Million.Please
treat this as matter of urgency .

Note that any uncial consignment will be return to Imper Express courier
company ltd after 3 days.So you are urgently advise to comply with our
demand fee $50so that we will release your consignment box immediately.

Mrs Britt Ahlenius
Public Relation Officer United State Custom
From Los Angeles Custom, CA 90045 consignment box US$30.900,000.00 Million
FRAUD WARNING: The above information is being provided as a fraud warning. Do not contact the sender of the above email. The source of this information is from a scammer who is a criminal imposter. Any names of real people being used within the above information from this imposter is unauthorized and illegal. Do not provide this scammer any of your personal information. Do not send them any of your personal identity documents. Do not send them any money. Do not call any phone numbers that they provide to you. This email, and all of its content, are part of a fraudulent, criminal act and the only intention of the scammer who sent this email is to steal money and to obtain personal information leading to identity theft of the scam victim. If you received the same email (or one very similar) then stop all communication with the scammer immediately. All claims made within the email are lies fabricated by a fraudster and this criminal will never provide you any money, assets, investments, property, commodities, merchandise, employment, romance, or anything of value. Every email scammer uses a completely false identity, thus their names used in the email (and any company name, employment, occupation, street address and/or location information that they provide) is 100% fake. Any photos, scans of passports or other personal identity documents and/or any other documents (government, corporate, legal, financial, etc) or forms that they send to you are all stolen, fake and/or forged and the file attachments they send with their scam emails may also contain viruses. Also avoid all website links that any scammer sends to you because their websites are all fraudulent and may also contain hidden Malware, Trojans, Spyware and/or key loggers. In conclusion, do not send any money to this scammer or you will lose it permanently. Contact with this scammer also places you at risk of identity theft and having your identity wrongfully used for illegal activities, which can place you in legal, financial, and physical danger. Click here to read what qualifies the above email as a scam. Scroll up and click the link at the top of this page for more information about this particular type of scam. Contact us here if you had interactions with a scammer and need support.

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Posts: 6655
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Britt Ahlenius - US Customs -

Post by Roxy »

from: Los Angeles Custom <>
date: Nov 15, 2023, 7:01 PM
subject: From Los Angeles Custom, CA 90045 consignment box US$30.9Million

Address: 1 World Way, Los Angeles, CA 90045, United States
Departments: Los Angeles International Airport Terminal 6
Code: LAX Elevation: 39 m
Number of runways: 4
Hub for: Delta Air Lines,
American Airlines, United Airlines, MORE
Serves: Greater Los Angeles
Opened: October 1, 1928
WMO Code: 72295


Attention, Dear,

This is to notify you that your consignment has been in our custody
waiting for your comply before the delivery will be effected to your
delivery address. We have been waiting for you to contact us regarding
your consignment box which Impex Express Service supposed to deliver
to you which was on hold by US Department of State Bureau and
requesting for clearance certificate which will be obtain from the
origination of the consignment box before it will be released.( )

After the meeting held by our board of directors which was concluded
that the delivery of your consignment to your address must be
completed within 4-hours upon your comply to our requirement which is
by sending iTunes Card of $150 Dollars to obtain the needed
certificate and effect the delivery of your consignment immediately.

Note that your consignment box US$30.9Million has been arrived in US
Los Angeles, International Airport and waiting to receive clearance
certificate before the gate pass is given for final delivery of your
consignment to your address bellow.( )

Note that you are expected to pay only $150.00 iTunes card for
clearance certificate and you are to pay it here as the origination of
the consignment box in favor of iTunes card $150 our accountant
officer in USA Send the $150 for immediate release of your
consignment box,To save our time better Send iTunes Card or Steam
Wallet card $150 iTunes card or Steam wallet card picture. Once you
send the money, try to notify us with the SCANNER iTunes card for easy
to pick up and immediate action on the release of your consignment box
US$30.9Million.Please treat this as matter of urgency .Note that any
uncial consignment will be return to Imper Express courier company ltd
after 3 days.So you are urgently advise to comply with our demand fee
$150 so that we will release your consignment box immediately.

Mrs Britt Ahlenius
Public Relation Officer United State Custom
From Los Angeles Custom, CA 90045 consignment box US$30.9Million
( )
FRAUD WARNING: The above information is being provided as a fraud warning. Do not contact the sender of the above email. The source of this information is from a scammer who is a criminal imposter. Any names of real people being used within the above information from this imposter is unauthorized and illegal. Do not provide this scammer any of your personal information. Do not send them any of your personal identity documents. Do not send them any money. Do not call any phone numbers that they provide to you. This email, and all of its content, are part of a fraudulent, criminal act and the only intention of the scammer who sent this email is to steal money and to obtain personal information leading to identity theft of the scam victim. If you received the same email (or one very similar) then stop all communication with the scammer immediately. All claims made within the email are lies fabricated by a fraudster and this criminal will never provide you any money, assets, investments, property, commodities, merchandise, employment, romance, or anything of value. Every email scammer uses a completely false identity, thus their names used in the email (and any company name, employment, occupation, street address and/or location information that they provide) is 100% fake. Any photos, scans of passports or other personal identity documents and/or any other documents (government, corporate, legal, financial, etc) or forms that they send to you are all stolen, fake and/or forged and the file attachments they send with their scam emails may also contain viruses. Also avoid all website links that any scammer sends to you because their websites are all fraudulent and may also contain hidden Malware, Trojans, Spyware and/or key loggers. In conclusion, do not send any money to this scammer or you will lose it permanently. Contact with this scammer also places you at risk of identity theft and having your identity wrongfully used for illegal activities, which can place you in legal, financial, and physical danger. Click here to read what qualifies the above email as a scam. Scroll up and click the link at the top of this page for more information about this particular type of scam. Contact us here if you had interactions with a scammer and need support.

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