What Are Financial, Investment, Bank Instrument And Trading Scams?

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What Are Financial, Investment, Bank Instrument And Trading Scams?

Post by Roxy »

Financial, investment, bank instrument and trading scams are email scams involving corporate and financial related investments, bank guarantee letters, equities, trading, virtual money, digital currency, and other financial related instruments. Scammers may claim to be brokers, financial advisors, or to represent brokerage or financial investment companies.

The scams may also include offers to joint venture or partner on investments. It could also be a scammer asking for someone to help find them interesting investments in businesses, real estate, etc, or the scammer may even claim to want to provide funding for your own investments and business projects.

In all cases though these scams involve a type of fraudulent criminal practice known as “Advance Fee Fraud”, a.k.a. “419 Scams”. If you are not yet familiar with these two terms then the following article on Wikipedia can help you to understand more about how most of these types of scams operate: Wikipedia Link

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