Kristalina Georgieva - IMF -

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Kristalina Georgieva - IMF -

Post by Matrixy »

from: Mrs. Kristalina Georgieva <>
date: Oct 12, 2023, 6:01 AM
subject: Good News

Attn : Beneficiary.

We received your Covid-19 Stimulus payment files of $1.7Million dollars with your funds release code numbers UN6MMCOVID022 from the covid-19 coordinating manager Mrs. Carman L. Lapointe, that we should release the sum of $1.7Million dollars to you with immediate effect and we encounter a little problem while releasing your $1.7million dollars.

We discovered that the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) placed your funds on hold because of the Clearance Permit Certificate of the funds and this is the reason why you have not been able to receive your $1.7million dollars from us.

Please contact the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) office for the required permit papers to enable us release your funds to you by any payment options of your choice, as soon as you obtain the required permit paper from the Financial Action Task Force, your fund $1.7million will be released to you with immediate effect.

Contact Person: Agent Marcus W. Billy
Position: FATF due processing Senior officer.
Address: 1632 1st Ave., New York, NY 10028.
Direct Email:
Office Cell + 1 678-599-7241

You should contact the officer now and get the required permit paper on your behalf and your funds will be free for transfer to you..

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincere
Yours sincerely
Mrs. Kristalina Georgieva
Director of the Centers for Disease control.
FRAUD WARNING: The above information is being provided as a fraud warning. Do not contact the sender of the above email. The source of this information is from a scammer who is a criminal imposter. Any names of real people being used within the above information from this imposter is unauthorized and illegal. Do not provide this scammer any of your personal information. Do not send them any of your personal identity documents. Do not send them any money. Do not call any phone numbers that they provide to you. This email, and all of its content, are part of a fraudulent, criminal act and the only intention of the scammer who sent this email is to steal money and to obtain personal information leading to identity theft of the scam victim. If you received the same email (or one very similar) then stop all communication with the scammer immediately. All claims made within the email are lies fabricated by a fraudster and this criminal will never provide you any money, assets, investments, property, commodities, merchandise, employment, romance, or anything of value. Every email scammer uses a completely false identity, thus their names used in the email (and any company name, employment, occupation, street address and/or location information that they provide) is 100% fake. Any photos, scans of passports or other personal identity documents and/or any other documents (government, corporate, legal, financial, etc) or forms that they send to you are all stolen, fake and/or forged and the file attachments they send with their scam emails may also contain viruses. Also avoid all website links that any scammer sends to you because their websites are all fraudulent and may also contain hidden Malware, Trojans, Spyware and/or key loggers. In conclusion, do not send any money to this scammer or you will lose it permanently. Contact with this scammer also places you at risk of identity theft and having your identity wrongfully used for illegal activities, which can place you in legal, financial, and physical danger. Click here to read what qualifies the above email as a scam. Scroll up and click the link at the top of this page for more information about this particular type of scam. Contact us here if you had interactions with a scammer and need support.

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Kristalina Georgieva - IMF -

Post by Yahoozeo »

from: kristalinageorgieva imf <>
date: Oct 13, 2023, 7:01 AM
subject: GOOD DAY

( I.M.F ) Head Office
#1900 Pennsylvania Ave NW,
Washington, DC 20431

Dear Fund Beneficiary,

This is to inform you of a very important piece of information which
will be of a great help to redeem you from all the difficulties you
have been experiencing in getting your long overdue payment, due to
excessive demand for money from you by both corrupt Bank officials and
Courier Companies after which your fund remains unpaid to you.

I am Mrs. Kristalina Georgieva, a highly placed official of the
International Monetary Fund (IMF). It may interest you to know that
reports have reached our office by so many correspondences on the
uneasy way in which people like you are treated by Various Banks and
Courier Companies/ Diplomat across Europe to Africa and Asia /London
UK. We have decided to put a stop to that and that is why I was
appointed to handle your transaction here in the states.

All Governmental and Non-Governmental prostates, NGOs, Finance
Companies, Banks, Security Companies and Courier companies which have
been in contact with you of late have been instructed to back off from
your transaction and you have been advised NOT to respond to them
anymore since the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is now directly in
charge of your payment.

Your name appeared in our payment schedule list of beneficiaries that
will receive their funds in this first quarter payment of the year
because we only transfer funds twice in a year according to our
banking regulation. We apologize for the delay of your payment and
please stop communicating with any office now and pay attention to our
office payment accordingly.

We have decided to give you a CODE, THE CODE IS: 601.
Please, any time you receive a mail with the name Mrs. Kristalina
Georgieva, check if there is CODE (601) if the code is not written,
Please delete the message from your box!

You are hereby advised NOT to remit further payment to any
institutions with respect to your transaction as your fund will be
transferred to you directly from our source.

I hope this is clear. Any action contrary to this instruction is at
your own risk. Respond to this e-mail on ( with
immediate effect and we shall give you further details on how your
funds will be released.

Also call me as soon as you send the email so that you will be given
an immediate response.

Mrs. Kristalina Georgieva, (I.M.F)(601
FRAUD WARNING: The above information is being provided as a fraud warning. Do not contact the sender of the above email. The source of this information is from a scammer who is a criminal imposter. Any names of real people being used within the above information from this imposter is unauthorized and illegal. Do not provide this scammer any of your personal information. Do not send them any of your personal identity documents. Do not send them any money. Do not call any phone numbers that they provide to you. This email, and all of its content, are part of a fraudulent, criminal act and the only intention of the scammer who sent this email is to steal money and to obtain personal information leading to identity theft of the scam victim. If you received the same email (or one very similar) then stop all communication with the scammer immediately. All claims made within the email are lies fabricated by a fraudster and this criminal will never provide you any money, assets, investments, property, commodities, merchandise, employment, romance, or anything of value. Every email scammer uses a completely false identity, thus their names used in the email (and any company name, employment, occupation, street address and/or location information that they provide) is 100% fake. Any photos, scans of passports or other personal identity documents and/or any other documents (government, corporate, legal, financial, etc) or forms that they send to you are all stolen, fake and/or forged and the file attachments they send with their scam emails may also contain viruses. Also avoid all website links that any scammer sends to you because their websites are all fraudulent and may also contain hidden Malware, Trojans, Spyware and/or key loggers. In conclusion, do not send any money to this scammer or you will lose it permanently. Contact with this scammer also places you at risk of identity theft and having your identity wrongfully used for illegal activities, which can place you in legal, financial, and physical danger. Click here to read what qualifies the above email as a scam. Scroll up and click the link at the top of this page for more information about this particular type of scam. Contact us here if you had interactions with a scammer and need support.

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Kristalina Georgieva - IMF -

Post by Matrixy »

from: Mrs. Kristalina Georgieva <>
date: Oct 15, 2023, 11:33 AM

Reconfirm the information below

1. Full Name:
2. Address:
3. Nationality:
4. Age: Date of Birth:
5. Occupation:
6. Phone: Mobile/Cellular:.......Fax:..
7. State of Origin:
8. Copy of your identity Card:
FRAUD WARNING: The above information is being provided as a fraud warning. Do not contact the sender of the above email. The source of this information is from a scammer who is a criminal imposter. Any names of real people being used within the above information from this imposter is unauthorized and illegal. Do not provide this scammer any of your personal information. Do not send them any of your personal identity documents. Do not send them any money. Do not call any phone numbers that they provide to you. This email, and all of its content, are part of a fraudulent, criminal act and the only intention of the scammer who sent this email is to steal money and to obtain personal information leading to identity theft of the scam victim. If you received the same email (or one very similar) then stop all communication with the scammer immediately. All claims made within the email are lies fabricated by a fraudster and this criminal will never provide you any money, assets, investments, property, commodities, merchandise, employment, romance, or anything of value. Every email scammer uses a completely false identity, thus their names used in the email (and any company name, employment, occupation, street address and/or location information that they provide) is 100% fake. Any photos, scans of passports or other personal identity documents and/or any other documents (government, corporate, legal, financial, etc) or forms that they send to you are all stolen, fake and/or forged and the file attachments they send with their scam emails may also contain viruses. Also avoid all website links that any scammer sends to you because their websites are all fraudulent and may also contain hidden Malware, Trojans, Spyware and/or key loggers. In conclusion, do not send any money to this scammer or you will lose it permanently. Contact with this scammer also places you at risk of identity theft and having your identity wrongfully used for illegal activities, which can place you in legal, financial, and physical danger. Click here to read what qualifies the above email as a scam. Scroll up and click the link at the top of this page for more information about this particular type of scam. Contact us here if you had interactions with a scammer and need support.

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Kristalina Georgieva - IMF -

Post by Jokerr »

from: Mrs Kristalina Georgieva <>
date: Oct 23, 2023, 9:27 AM
subject: Re:

( I.M.F ) Head Office
#1900 Pennsylvania Ave NW,
Washington, DC 20431

Dear Fund Beneficiary,


This is to acknowledge the receipt of your email message. I would like to bring to your notice that this said funds in quote is as a result of your long overdue inheritance payment which intends to release to you through Compensation payment scheme which you are one of the legitimate beneficiary as our list indicates. This is why you were contacted in the first instance and you have proved that you are concerned and responded to our message for further procedures which put you on the right track now to have your Compensation funds finally released to you telegraphic wire transfer.

Further more, you are required to notify me with your choice of receiving option as stated below for immediate proceeding with your fund transfer.

3, ATM MASTER Card delivery

Await to hear from you as soon as possible with your option and your details as stated below:



This Office hereby gives you the GUARANTEE your absolute protection and that of your approved Compensation Funds Wire transfer is 100% assured. Your approved amount of USD$10.7Million. (Ten. seven Million, United States Dollars) by the Managing Director of the International Monetary fund (601) must reach you in any of the above options best for your reception.

Mrs Kristalina Georgieva
Managing Director of the International
Monetary Fund. (I.M.F)(601).
FRAUD WARNING: The above information is being provided as a fraud warning. Do not contact the sender of the above email. The source of this information is from a scammer who is a criminal imposter. Any names of real people being used within the above information from this imposter is unauthorized and illegal. Do not provide this scammer any of your personal information. Do not send them any of your personal identity documents. Do not send them any money. Do not call any phone numbers that they provide to you. This email, and all of its content, are part of a fraudulent, criminal act and the only intention of the scammer who sent this email is to steal money and to obtain personal information leading to identity theft of the scam victim. If you received the same email (or one very similar) then stop all communication with the scammer immediately. All claims made within the email are lies fabricated by a fraudster and this criminal will never provide you any money, assets, investments, property, commodities, merchandise, employment, romance, or anything of value. Every email scammer uses a completely false identity, thus their names used in the email (and any company name, employment, occupation, street address and/or location information that they provide) is 100% fake. Any photos, scans of passports or other personal identity documents and/or any other documents (government, corporate, legal, financial, etc) or forms that they send to you are all stolen, fake and/or forged and the file attachments they send with their scam emails may also contain viruses. Also avoid all website links that any scammer sends to you because their websites are all fraudulent and may also contain hidden Malware, Trojans, Spyware and/or key loggers. In conclusion, do not send any money to this scammer or you will lose it permanently. Contact with this scammer also places you at risk of identity theft and having your identity wrongfully used for illegal activities, which can place you in legal, financial, and physical danger. Click here to read what qualifies the above email as a scam. Scroll up and click the link at the top of this page for more information about this particular type of scam. Contact us here if you had interactions with a scammer and need support.

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Kristalina Georgieva - IMF -

Post by Yahoozeo »

from: eoffice Data <>
date: Nov 3, 2023, 9:13 AM
subject: VERY URGENT.


How are you doing today? I pray my email finds you well and in good health.

This communication is to inform you that I have discussed with the Bank directors of the paying Bank in UNITED KINGDOM reserved bank, and it is confirmed that payment is ongoing as that your name has been shortlisted as part of the beneficiary who will benefit from the payment exercise.

The Bank has further assured me that there will be no up front payment from the beneficiary whatsoever as that you are not required to pay any money hence you are required to fly down to MEXICO for the signing of your funds release documents and proceed to HONG KONG to receive your payment.

The Bank will take care of all expenses such as your flight going to MEXICO and HONG KONG including your returning back to your home country. The Bank will also pay for your hotel reservation during this three days Bank meeting in MEXICO and two days in HONG KONG to receive your payment. If you can make this trip to MEXICO and HONG KONG then I shall need the below information for perfection of your flight ticket alongside your hotel booking.

1.Name of your nearest Airport
2.Attach Valid International Passport
3.Direct Telephone Number For Easy communication.

As soon as I receive this information then I shall commence payment proceedings to ensure no lapses this time.

Expect your valued response.

Sincerely Yours.

Mrs. K. Georgieva.
Managing Director,
International Monetary Fund.(IMF).
FRAUD WARNING: The above information is being provided as a fraud warning. Do not contact the sender of the above email. The source of this information is from a scammer who is a criminal imposter. Any names of real people being used within the above information from this imposter is unauthorized and illegal. Do not provide this scammer any of your personal information. Do not send them any of your personal identity documents. Do not send them any money. Do not call any phone numbers that they provide to you. This email, and all of its content, are part of a fraudulent, criminal act and the only intention of the scammer who sent this email is to steal money and to obtain personal information leading to identity theft of the scam victim. If you received the same email (or one very similar) then stop all communication with the scammer immediately. All claims made within the email are lies fabricated by a fraudster and this criminal will never provide you any money, assets, investments, property, commodities, merchandise, employment, romance, or anything of value. Every email scammer uses a completely false identity, thus their names used in the email (and any company name, employment, occupation, street address and/or location information that they provide) is 100% fake. Any photos, scans of passports or other personal identity documents and/or any other documents (government, corporate, legal, financial, etc) or forms that they send to you are all stolen, fake and/or forged and the file attachments they send with their scam emails may also contain viruses. Also avoid all website links that any scammer sends to you because their websites are all fraudulent and may also contain hidden Malware, Trojans, Spyware and/or key loggers. In conclusion, do not send any money to this scammer or you will lose it permanently. Contact with this scammer also places you at risk of identity theft and having your identity wrongfully used for illegal activities, which can place you in legal, financial, and physical danger. Click here to read what qualifies the above email as a scam. Scroll up and click the link at the top of this page for more information about this particular type of scam. Contact us here if you had interactions with a scammer and need support.

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