Kristalina Georgieva - IMF -

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NOTICE: The Emails Below Are All Scams.
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Scam Wrecker
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Kristalina Georgieva - IMF -

Post by Beezwax »

date: Nov 17, 2023, 9:18 AM
subject: Re

Guten Tag lieber Fondsbesitzer,

Ich habe Ihnen zwei E-Mails geschickt, und Sie haben tagelang nicht geantwortet. Vor ein paar Tagen habe ich sogar eine weitere gesendet, in der noch weitere Details unbeantwortet blieben. Bitte verwenden Sie diese E-Mail-Adresse, da ich wegen Ihres nicht gutgeschriebenen Guthabens auf der VISA-ATM-KARTE im Wert von in Kontakt bin 1,5 Millionen US-Dollar unter der BSIC-Bank? Es tut mir wirklich leid, wenn Sie diese E-Mails ehrlich gesagt nicht erhalten haben. Ich werde sie jetzt erneut senden, sobald ich bestätige, dass Sie sie nie erhalten haben.

Zu Ihrer Information erfahren Sie bitte von Frau Aadab Mohammed, einer autorisierten Vertreterin der Bsic Bank, weitere Informationen darüber, wie Sie Ihre Visa-Karte erhalten.

Name des autorisierten Agenten: Aadab Mohammed
E-Mail-Adresse: (
Büroadresse: Boulevard Lome Togo.

Kontaktieren Sie sie und teilen Sie Ihre unten aufgeführten Informationen mit.

Ihr vollständiger Name: ====================
Ihr Herkunftsland: ================
Ihre Heimatadresse: ==================
Ihre Stadt:===========================
Ihre Postleitzahl/Index:================
Ihre Telefonnummer: ==================

Dies ist eine von den Vereinten Nationen, dem IWF, der Weltbank und der ECOWAS anerkannten Bank, und ohne diese Bank wird keiner dieser Vertreter diesen Fonds für Sie unterstützen oder genehmigen.
Bitte wenden Sie sich jetzt an Frau Aadab Mohammed, um weitere Anweisungen zu erhalten, wie Sie Ihre Geldautomatenkarte im Wert von 1,5 Millionen US-Dollar unverzüglich erhalten.

Frau Kristalina Georgieva
FRAUD WARNING: The above information is being provided as a fraud warning. Do not contact the sender of the above email. The source of this information is from a scammer who is a criminal imposter. Any names of real people being used within the above information from this imposter is unauthorized and illegal. Do not provide this scammer any of your personal information. Do not send them any of your personal identity documents. Do not send them any money. Do not call any phone numbers that they provide to you. This email, and all of its content, are part of a fraudulent, criminal act and the only intention of the scammer who sent this email is to steal money and to obtain personal information leading to identity theft of the scam victim. If you received the same email (or one very similar) then stop all communication with the scammer immediately. All claims made within the email are lies fabricated by a fraudster and this criminal will never provide you any money, assets, investments, property, commodities, merchandise, employment, romance, or anything of value. Every email scammer uses a completely false identity, thus their names used in the email (and any company name, employment, occupation, street address and/or location information that they provide) is 100% fake. Any photos, scans of passports or other personal identity documents and/or any other documents (government, corporate, legal, financial, etc) or forms that they send to you are all stolen, fake and/or forged and the file attachments they send with their scam emails may also contain viruses. Also avoid all website links that any scammer sends to you because their websites are all fraudulent and may also contain hidden Malware, Trojans, Spyware and/or key loggers. In conclusion, do not send any money to this scammer or you will lose it permanently. Contact with this scammer also places you at risk of identity theft and having your identity wrongfully used for illegal activities, which can place you in legal, financial, and physical danger. Click here to read what qualifies the above email as a scam. Scroll up and click the link at the top of this page for more information about this particular type of scam. Contact us here if you had interactions with a scammer and need support.

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Scam Wrecker
Scam Wrecker
Posts: 2943
Joined: 25 Jan 2020

Kristalina Georgieva - IMF -

Post by Beezwax »

from: Mrs. Kristalina <>
to: Recipients <>
date: Nov 17, 2023, 10:40 PM
subject: GREETING...

Please due contact your delivery agent Mr.Kanna,with your name, home address,phone number nearest Airport and you ID, for the delivry of your fund .
Yours Sincerely,
Kristalina Georgieva
FRAUD WARNING: The above information is being provided as a fraud warning. Do not contact the sender of the above email. The source of this information is from a scammer who is a criminal imposter. Any names of real people being used within the above information from this imposter is unauthorized and illegal. Do not provide this scammer any of your personal information. Do not send them any of your personal identity documents. Do not send them any money. Do not call any phone numbers that they provide to you. This email, and all of its content, are part of a fraudulent, criminal act and the only intention of the scammer who sent this email is to steal money and to obtain personal information leading to identity theft of the scam victim. If you received the same email (or one very similar) then stop all communication with the scammer immediately. All claims made within the email are lies fabricated by a fraudster and this criminal will never provide you any money, assets, investments, property, commodities, merchandise, employment, romance, or anything of value. Every email scammer uses a completely false identity, thus their names used in the email (and any company name, employment, occupation, street address and/or location information that they provide) is 100% fake. Any photos, scans of passports or other personal identity documents and/or any other documents (government, corporate, legal, financial, etc) or forms that they send to you are all stolen, fake and/or forged and the file attachments they send with their scam emails may also contain viruses. Also avoid all website links that any scammer sends to you because their websites are all fraudulent and may also contain hidden Malware, Trojans, Spyware and/or key loggers. In conclusion, do not send any money to this scammer or you will lose it permanently. Contact with this scammer also places you at risk of identity theft and having your identity wrongfully used for illegal activities, which can place you in legal, financial, and physical danger. Click here to read what qualifies the above email as a scam. Scroll up and click the link at the top of this page for more information about this particular type of scam. Contact us here if you had interactions with a scammer and need support.

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